Bird-safe Halloween Decorations Tips From Environment for the Americas

Great Horned Owl. Photo: Emma England

A recent newsletter from our friends at Environment for the Americas included these great tips on celebrating a bird and wildlife-safe Halloween! We highly recommend signing up to their newsletter for more bird-related news and tips!

Choose natural materials
Opt for eco-conscious options like straw, untreated wood, and twine instead of harmful plastics. Look for labels that ensure the materials are free of dangerous chemicals.

Avoid glitter and foil
While shiny materials might catch your eye, they can be harmful if ingested by birds. Instead, go for earthy, non-reflective materials that blend in with nature. Steer clear of confetti too, as small pieces can harm birds if swallowed.

Say goodbye to balloons
Balloons may bring joy, but they can be a serious threat to birds if accidentally consumed. Consider using alternatives like paper lanterns or banners.

Hang decorations safely
Prevent birds from getting tangled by hanging decorations at a safe height. Check for loose ribbons or twine and trim anything that could entangle birds. Avoid artificial cobwebs or other decorations that can cause harm.

Illuminate responsibly with LED lights
Choose energy-efficient LED lights over traditional bulbs or better yet, embrace the dark. Since many birds undertake their journeys at night, it's important to be mindful of minimizing outdoor light usage after sunset, especially during the fall season.

Keep it peaceful
Loud noises can stress and harm birds. Consider quieter alternatives like eerie music, spooky sound effects, or a cozy storytelling session around a campfire.

Unleash your creativity this Halloween and create decorations that are both bird-friendly and safe. By following these simple tips, we can protect migratory birds while celebrating. Happy Halloween!


Open Space Celebration Invitation - Sunday, October 15


Piping plovers released at Illinois Beach State Park!